Update 6/26/23

Evolution began painting January 4, 2023 starting with building 11.

Evolution has completed painting all the units, clubhouse, pony walls, and front entrance. They are not yet finished.

If you see anything on your unit that has been missed by the painters, please take a picture/make a list and send to pm@lakeparkvillageaz.com and board@lakeparkvillageaz.com.

The balcony floors will not be painted by Evolution.

The following areas are still yet to be updated: touch ups around the community; trim around front doors; clubhouse door to pool area.

Any of the paint colors for balconies or personal touch up can be purchased at Dunn Edwards (the placement and color title are listed below). The specific colors and sheens can be found in the Docs section of the Homeowner Portal.

Update 12/12/22

After over eight months of researching and considering color options, the board has made the final color scheme selection, with the help of a color expert, for our community painting project!!!

We appreciate all who were able to view and voice opinions on the building facades. This feedback proved extremely helpful in our decision making process.  We had an overwhelming amount of homeowners that prefer the grey color scheme, but preferred a darker pop-out rather than light. So, here it is:

  • Railings, gates, fences, and garage doors – Charcoal Sketch
  • Wood trim – Coal Miner
  • Body color: Play on Gray
  • Pop-out Color: Calico Rock

*We had originally planned to alternate building colors but it does not work with this scheme. All buildings will follow this same pattern listed above.

All wood trim
Fences, gates, railings and garage doors

We will be using this section of our website to further communicate updates of the community painting project. There will be many updates to come!