This section will be updated often as a catch all for sharing communication with the community.

Updated: 04/28/2024

Board Members/Property Manager Changes


Our board consists of volunteers in our community. We currently have 6 board members and 4 officers – President, Vice-president, Treasurer and Secretary. You can contact the board by emailing and Cc  

Heather Anne Cunningham, Pete Greason, and Cathie Lewis-Hardy were each re-elected to a two-year term at our March 2024 Annual Meeting. Heather continues to provide leadership as the President, focusing on vendor accountability. Pete has made significant contributions through his construction skills and assisting with landscaping issues. Cathie has experience as a long-time board member at another HOA and focuses on keeping our community beautiful.

New Community Manager!

Hello everyone,

I’m Tracey Collins, and I’m thrilled to be your Community Manager. With a degree in Public Administration from Northern Arizona University, I’m passionate about fostering connections and making our community thrive. Beyond my professional life, I find joy in my family – I’m a proud mother of two and a grandmother to two adorable grandchildren.

When I’m not busy with work or family, you’ll often find me outdoors, indulging in my favorite activities like e-biking, paddle boarding, and hiking. There’s something so rejuvenating about being in nature and soaking up the beauty around us. But perhaps my greatest passion lies in the kitchen. Cooking is not just a hobby for me; it’s a way to explore new cultures and flavors. I love experimenting with different ingredients and techniques, constantly learning and expanding my culinary horizons.

I’m excited to share my journey with all of you and to learn from each of you in return.

Contact information:

Tracey Collins, CAAM
(480) 844-2224, ext. 114
Email: and Cc

Painting Project

What is the status of the paint project?

This project was completed in the Fall of 2023. We are now in the one-year warranty phase. If you have any stucco damage or paint touch ups required, please reach out to AND copy These will be addressed in a one-time warranty touch-up when we can schedule it after the one-year mark.


At this time we are re-evaluating the unique landscaping needs for our beautiful property. Including the contract with our current landscaping service.

ACC Requests

A lot of my neighbors are making enhancements to their property, such as putting up shades over their courtyards, adding exterior lights or upgrading their front gate. Can I do that?

Absolutely. However, we do have guidelines you must follow. Any change you make to the outside of your home (other than outdoor furniture) MUST be reviewed/approved by our Architectural Committee PRIOR to installation. Please check out the Docs section of the Homeowner Portal for Architectural guidelines/forms. 

Pool Furniture

Straps are breaking and the pool furniture looks old. Are there any plans to update?

After a short delay for budgetary reasons, the board has been getting quotes to replace the pool furniture. Quotes are coming in and a final decision will be made at our May board meeting. It’s getting close!


We have replaced all visitor parking signs, the speed limit sign, private parking for certain units, and the lift station sign.  We also now have helpful directional signs at the “Y” entrance to our community, along with a sign where we can post community announcements. In addition, we have a lovely Lake Park Village address sign that matches our unit numbers plus a large Welcome to LPV sign which includes our community rules. The next phase is to replace the pool signage.


Are you seeing more bugs around and in your home than normal?

LPV contracts with Great Western Pest Control to come and treat the common areas once a month. Any homeowner can request service with them for their own property at the time of visit for $25. Feel free to give them a call to get on the schedule and set up payment: (480) 507-7803.

Community Clean-Up

I need help with getting a large item or two picked up for disposal.  How can I do this?

Now that the painting project is finished, we are asking our community to look at their courtyards (especially the lower courtyard) and make plans to dispose of items that should not be stored there, not even on a short-term basis. As a visible area to our entire community and others, courtyards should not be used as a storage area for indoor or broken outdoor items. If you have large or bulky items that you wish picked up for disposal, the City of Mesa has a bulk item pick-up.  The minimum cost is $25 and may be more depending on size and volume.  Request this through the property manager, and the cost will be billed back to you. Thank you for your support in keeping our community clean!