Trash & Recycling @ Lake Park
Black Trash Barrel Program
LPV Pickup on Saturday
Don't forget to tie your bag before placing in barrel
There are 2 sizes of Black barrel:
60-gallon size: 40"h x 27"w x 28"d
90-gallon size: 45"h x 28"w x 34"d
Click here for additional information
BlueTrash Barrel Program
LPV Pickup on Wednesday
Do not bag items before placing in barrel
Click here for additional information
Repair / Replace Trash Barrel
The cans are the property of the City of Mesa.
If your Blue or Black Barrel is damaged, you can call the City of Mesa at 480-644-2221 to request a repair of the lid, wheels and/or body. If it cannot be repaired, it will be replaced with a like barrel.
Requests are processed Monday through Thursday, excluding city holidays. You can also go online at the following link to submit a request.
Click here for request form
You will need the utility account # which is 507919167055 to make the request.
If you’d prefer the smaller black barrel, you can also request that - and it saves money.The city charges more for a large barrel.
General Information
Trash cans and Recycle containers may be set out for collection as early as dusk on the night prior to collection.
Trash cans and Recycle containers must be removed and hidden from view by midnight of the day of collection.
Only the items within the can is picked up. Items outside of the cans will not be picked up
Cans must be placed at the curb with the handle facing away from the street.
This link contains the current information on what is recyclable